QuadCity Warriors
Youth Football
Dear Warrior Family,
It is with a heavy heart that I share this update with you all. After much consideration, prayer, and discussion with the FCA State Director, we have made the incredibly difficult decision not to continue with our 2025 football and cheer season.
This outcome is not what we had hoped for, and we understand the disappointment it may bring to our athletes, families, and supporters. Please know that this decision was not made lightly and was guided by what we believe is in the best interests of our organization.
I want to recognize and thank our board members, who have worked diligently to explore every possible avenue to continue this season. Their dedication, time, and commitment to our athletes and program have been truly commendable, and we are incredibly grateful for their efforts.
On behalf of the entire team, I also want to sincerely thank each and every one of you for your unwavering support, dedication, and participation in our program. The strength and spirit of the Warrior family are unmatched, and we are truly grateful for all that you bring to our community.
Although this season will not move forward, we remain steadfast in our mission. FCA continues to work in the Quad Cities to reach coaches and athletes for Christ. We are also actively growing our other sports teams and developing new Huddle groups within our local schools.
For those of you who wish to continue your football and cheer journey, we want to provide you with information on other opportunities in the Quad Cities area. Currently, the Chino Valley Cougars are the only other NAYF team nearby. For those willing to travel further, Mingus in Cottonwood and Camp Verde also have NAYF teams. Additionally, there are three AYFL teams in the area: the Avengers, Hitman, and Badgers.
Thank you for your understanding and support during this time. Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns.
Our Mission
Our missions is to create an outreach for kids who want to learn the sport of football through a Christian faith based program. Our coaches work as disciples of Christ spreading the word to the children we mentor through our words and actions. We incorporate weekly Bible studies into our program as well as prayer before and after each practice. Our goal is to make Christ first in all of our actions and we pride ourselves on being focused on the health and safety of our athletes. We will teach the kids in our programs the fundamentals of football and the techniques needed to thrive in this league as well as prepare them for high school athletics.
About QuadCity Warriors
Youth Football Program
Established in 2021 as an alternative youth football program in the Arizona QuadCity area. The QuadCity area which encapsulates Prescott, Prescott Valley, Dewey/Humboldt and Chino Valley. This program began as a vision to bring a Christian based youth sports program through FCA Sports to the QuadCity area and to develop young athletes who play for each other and for God above all else.
Our Age Groups
League: NAYF - Northern Arizona Youth Football
Tackle Football League
6-8 Years Old - Mighty Mites
9-11 Years Old - Minors
12-14 Years Old - Majors
Age eligibility is determined based on the athlete’s age as of August 1st of the current season. While 14-year-olds are valuable members of our team, please note that this league is specifically for 8th graders and younger.
Practices begin the end of July, the exact date is yet to be announced. The first three weeks of practices are known as Warrior weeks. Practices during these three weeks are each day, Monday-Friday. Times and location will be announced at a later time. Once Warrior weeks have ended, practices will be three days a week. Ideally the schedule will be Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday, but this will be finalized at a later time.
Our games begin in August with a scrimmage event known as the Jamboree. This is usually planned for the 3rd Saturday in August (this date has not been finalized). Games begin the weekend following the Jamboree and will conclude with playoffs, cheer competition, championship game day, and an all-star game in November.
Every athlete must submit before practices begin:
TeamReach is used to communicate with our families. This is the best way for us to share information and stay in contact with everyone. Feel free to join our all ages group now for the most update information. Download the TeamReach app to your mobile device and use code Quadcityfootball.
For practices, your athlete will need:
We will provide your athlete with:
Our Coaching Staff
Interested in Joining our Coaching Staff
Thank you for contacting us. We appreciate your interest to become apart of our coaching staff.
We will get back to you as soon as possible to discuss and provide more details.
2025 Majors Fall Season
Team Manager: TBD
Team Mom: TBD
The 2025 Game Schedule will be posted here once available.
2025 Minors Fall Season
Team Manager: TBD
Team Mom: TBD
The 2025 Game Schedule will be posted here once available.
2025 Mighty Mites Fall Season
Team Manager: TBD
Team Mom: TBD
The 2025 Game Schedule will be posted here once available.
Warrior Mini Camp
All Star Game
QuadCity Area
(816) 868-6591